Meet Your Educators

Carol & Richard Miller


Carol and Richard have been, and continue to be, lifelong educators with a passion for Christ.

  • Carol homeschooled her three sons while they were young.
  • She taught and developed curriculum for young children in daycares, schools and churches.
  • She was selected and trained as a model kindergarten teacher.
  • She mentored teachers as a literacy coach.
  • She was featured in over 50 educational television shows.
  • She was an Adjunct Instructor at both the University of North Texas and East Texas Baptist University.
  • Carol has both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Early Childhood Education.
  • Richard has both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Physics.

The purpose for developing these programs is rooted in our desire to model a means by which all of us can actively engage children in our effort to fulfill God’s commandment to TEACH them the WORD and the WAY. It is in Deuteronomy 6:4-7 we read:

4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.

The author’s desire is for this project to be available and accessible FREE in any home, school or church around the world through the internet. It is for that reason we choose to:
  • present Bible materials with drama to engage students in the lessons
  • present related printable resources for crafts and handwriting
  • model different teaching and learning styles for adults

Carol A. Collum Miller, Author
Richard Miller, Producer

The Musician


It is so good to see a lifetime of Mom's work come into a modern format for the next generation to experience.

It has been an honor for me to be able to help her bring these stories alive musically.

Jerry Lee Collum



Noah’s Bible lesson today was on Zacchaeus so I showed him his video of him playing Zacchaeus. 

He was so cute. He said, "How did I do that? Why wasn’t I shy? Was that really me?" It was the cutest conversation.


Bible based, Jesus centered, kid approved! I’ve been an educator for 50 years and am constantly searching for relevant children’s ministry curriculum. At various times, I am called to do the children’s message or teach Children’s Church or VBS.

Whenever I use the A-Z Bible Stories for Me by Carol Collum Miller, my children sit up, focus, and walk out singing. Nothing better!


That's it! The drama is what has been missing!

It is so important for children to be participants in the learning process.

Having been involved in the Active Bible Curriculum project, I can say without hesitation, the children loved it! To this day, they still remember the Bible stories and songs with enthusiasm.

I hope you allow your children to experience this fun and effective way of learning.


I found this to be an exciting curriculum that transformed even shy, academically challenged students into bright, vibrant stars.

The children loved dressing up as Bible characters and acting out the stories they had learned. They are natural actors. It’s right up their alley!

Give them the best scripts from stories in the Word of God and plant everlasting truths into their hearts.

Free Bible Images

All images used with permission from

The vision of Free Bible Images is to create a visually accurate journey through the Bible as a resource for teaching all ages – available for free download by anyone, anywhere at any time.